April 24, 2008 - Rivet Backing Strips/Recepticles

I countersunk all the recepticle mounting holes on the backing strips. 

Oh yeah, I painted them with Rustoleum metallic charcoal grey too.  Matches the engine case closely.

I clecoed the left side backing strip to the fuse.  The instructions recommend riveting the receptacles to the backing strips first, then rivet the backing strips to the airplane.  Since the receptacles get pop-riveted to the backing strips with Cherry Max pop-rivets, it seemed to me it would be easier riveting the backing strips to the plane first, then rivet the receptacles.  That's what I did and it worked fine for me. 
The left strip is riveted to the fuse and has all except one receptacle. 
A little closer.  The receptacle mounting rivets are 1/8" flush Cherry-Max rivets.  Not sure why they didn't just use regular AD426 4-4s but, hey, the kit came with the pop-rivets, so I used them.  Hope I don't ever have to drill them out, though.  They are steel. 
Very close now. 

A look from the side. 
